Benjamin Franklin

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” Benjamin Franklin

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013


This is a method for generating many ideas about a topic. 

The rule of brainstorming is to think of many ideas, think of different ideas, and to suspend judgment until students have produced many different ideas. Brainstorming can help “open students’ minds” so they can think of ideas that might not normally have occur-red to them. Not all of the ideas they arrive at will be equally useful, but in thinking of many different ideas, they may discover some valuable ideas among the less important ones.


1.      Training.
Everybody is concentrated.

2.      Topic.
The topic is shown.

3.      Rules.
It is necessary to know how many ideas we need to think about.
The time must be set; this activity should be conducted in 10 minutes or less. 

4.      Critics are forbidden.
All ideas are welcome.
It is necessary to connect the ideas.

5.      Evaluation.
It should be some criterions to evaluate the ideas.

We can work by groups; in this case there will be more ideas. It is convenient that the ideas are written down and then, we can value them. If we want we can see the advantages and disadvantages of the ideas.


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